Addiction has a strong effect on the human body. Having to recover from any form of addiction is a gradual process.

One of the features that need attention is nutrition. When it comes to alcohol addiction for instance, nutrition is one of the concepts that need attention.

It is difficult to recover from alcohol and drug addiction due to the complicated nature of the detoxification phase. 

This is the phase where you have to undergo strict support and monitoring. You would also have to stop socializing for a while. Food is important in aiding the body to rebuild itself and for health maintenance.

Food has a great influence on the functioning of the brain.  When the body does not produce enough chemicals, you will feel anxious and irritable. There is also the tendency to suffer from food cravings, insomnia and anxiety.

During the process of recovery, it is advised that you eat the right diet, and this is why a nutritionist is important.

There are many benefits of having a healthy diet and this is why individuals recovering from addiction need a nutritionist.

To start with, your mood will improve when you eat the right food during addiction recovery. Also, your energy levels receive a boost with time because you take the right diet.

A good number of rehabs have a nutritionist as part of their staff. So, you could get lucky to have one who is easily accessible.

You will also get to discover that there are some food that cause cravings and they should be avoided.

The road to addiction recovery is one that should not be taken without the input of a nutritionist. This is an integral aspect that should not be left aside.

The ultimate goal of addiction recovery is not to attain the goal of sobriety, it is to achieve balance of the spirit, body and mind. When all these are in play, it is safe to say that addiction recovery is complete.


One of the important features of addiction treatment is counseling. This is why it is scarce for you to see an addiction recovery center that lacks a counselor.

It is an integral part of the whole recovery process. From the start of the addiction treatment process to the end, a counselor is the only constant feature.

In the acknowledgment of one’s addiction, a counselor is the person who makes it happen.

He or she is responsible for helping the addict discover the reason for his or her addiction, and motivating them that they can recover.

Hence, it is safe to say that, any rehab that is after achieving sobriety for its registered members, need to have a counseling team.

Counselors are trained psychologists who know how the brain works, how we process thoughts, emotions and a host of others.

Counselors help recovering individuals to be liable. Seeing a counselor regularly means that you have someone to reach out to when you are faced with intense cravings.

Typically, it is expected that counselors are the only persons you should keep in touch with when your recovery is on track.

This does not put aside the fact that, the therapist would not be involved in your recovery process. A counselor is someone you share a more intimate bond with.

Most times, the counselor relays the complaints of a recovering individual to the therapist or medical health practitioner in charge.

Also, a counselor teaches coping skills. Struggling with addiction requires that you remain honest. This would enable you get the needed help.

A counselor knows how the addiction process works, and he or she would always be willing to give you needed tips on how to cope.

In addition to this, a counselor helps out during the aftercare treatment. There is always a tendency for an addict to relapse, and a counselor would always be present to help the individual prevent it.

There are different kinds of counseling for addiction: Family therapy counseling, Group counseling, Individual counseling and a host of others.  


Someone who is addicted, would find it almost impossible to get rid of their addiction themselves. It is usually futile to perform such acts without the involvement of a health specialist.

Knowing how addiction works would give you a wider knowledge on how addiction works, and why it is difficult for addicts to break free.

Addiction is a chronic brain disease which is shown by the physical and psychological dependence on a behavior or chemical.

For instance, there are some people who play video games when they are stressed out. With time, it becomes an abuse, and they eventually become addicted.

Addiction is very prevailing, as it has the capability to interfere with a person’s actions, feelings and thoughts. There are people with addictive tendencies and they know they have, but it is difficult for them to stop.

An addict would not want to accept that they are addicted even if they know they are.

For some addicts, prior to when their addiction process commenced, their intention was to try it for the first time and later ditch it.

However, for most of them, it did not turn out this way because, they loved the feeling, and they decided to try it one more time.

The behavioral aspect of addiction seems to be more subtle than the chemical aspect of addiction. For the behavioral aspect, one of the best ways to handle it is to instill discipline.

For instance, one of the way to cure a child who is addicted to video games, is to create a strict schedule that must be followed.

This will in turn make the child reduce the total number of game play, and focus on other important things. It is easier to control addiction when an individual is in their childhood or teenage years.

When they are grown, it would be more difficult to help their addiction recovery. At this stage, they will need to opt for a rehab treatment.


There are many widespread misconceptions about addiction. One of the commonest, is the feeling addiction is the end-result of a deviant behavior.

This has resulted in the creation of a stigma concerning people who are struggling with addiction, and this makes it herculean for them to seek help.

However, most people are not aware of the fact that, addiction is a complex mental situation resulting from various factors such as: Biological, environmental, developmental and the likes.

To start with, one fact people must note is, the decision to get addicted is usually self-initiated. When this gets into motion, one of the main factors that keeps the addiction problem rolling, is genetics.

Some research has shown that the genetic makeup of an individual has the tendency to affect the susceptibility of an individual to the development of addiction.

Another reason is due to an individual’s family’s history of addiction. If the parent of an individual has been known for abusing drugs or alcohol even before he or she got married, there is a tendency for the child to be addicted.

Watching a family member go through the bouts of trying to overcome addiction, has the tendency to either positively or negatively affect the decision of another.

Also, peer pressure is another factor why people get addicted.

There are some individuals who felt pressured to use either drugs or alcohol because their friends used it. In the long run, they became addicted to either of the above-mentioned substances.

In addition to this, people who have mental problems like depression, anxiety amongst others, are likely to be addicted to any of these substances.

This happens because, some of them start using either drugs or alcohol to deal with their negative feelings.

Now, it would interest you to know that, drug and alcohol addiction are not the only types of addictions there is.

There is sex addiction, video gaming addiction, food addiction and a host of others. These types of addiction are peculiar and categorized under Behavioral addiction.

They develop overtime due to unchecked regularity of the acts associated with the types of addictions.


The best decision an addict can make, is to opt for addiction treatment. This is one of the boldest steps they can take to ensuring that they live a sober life.

Addiction puts an individual in bondage, as the person is subject to the desires of the mind. So, all what the individual would be after, is to satisfy his or her desires.

Going through the phases of addiction is essential, however, one key feature that must be looked into, is the concept of relapse. This is a condition whereby an individual goes back to their addiction after a period of time.

This is why aftercare treatment comes into play to prevent just-recovered addicts from going back to their addiction.

One of the proficient features of an addiction rehab is to make sure that there is an aftercare program in place.

The major reason for this is, people who are addicted must have either used alcohol or drugs for a long time, and the brain must have been modified in this process.

A good number of times when there are changes in the brain, the resulting effects are not usually reversible.

This is why recovering individuals are always advised to keep in touch with their therapists, even though they have been given a clean bill of health.

It is important for everyone searching addiction treatment to get a top-notch aftercare. This would be needed in ensuring that progress is assured.

A good aftercare would positively affect your education, relationship, finance, mental health and other important aspects of your life.

An aftercare treatment can go on for as long as possible. As a matter of fact, there is no harm in a recovered addict going for an aftercare treatment all through his or her life.

The regularity of attendance at an aftercare treatment might reduce, it does not sideline the importance of going for check-ups.

People who are addicted are advised that they need not wait till their addiction becomes worse before they opt for treatment.


 Treatment modalities for drug addiction basically means the way in which the treatments for addiction are given. The modalities involve the treatment pattern, the approach, and the components of treatment.

When you have an understanding of each facets of treatment, it would help you to pick the best rehab program for either you, your friends or family.

Most times, the first step is usually medical detoxification, and it is always supervised by a medical personnel. During this process, all residues of drugs have to leave the body, so that the functioning of the brain can return back to normal.

For medical detoxification, medications are given in order to reduce the intensity which comes with withdrawal, and also to reduce the detoxification duration.

Detoxification only deals with the physical reliance on a drug, and it only aids the individual in a little way. This happens because detoxification is more complex, and there are usually some triggering causes.

The most essential initial basis for selecting a treatment program which is in line with the needs of a client, has to be the paramount treatment setting for the addict. There are two known treatment settings and they are: Inpatient and Outpatient treatment.

Inpatient treatment has to do with allowing an addict to concentrate on his recovery in an intensive treatment environment. It could also be the best way to start treatment for someone who has severe addiction. Inpatient treatment incorporates a mix of group and individual therapy, which helps people to trounce their addiction.

For Outpatient treatment, the addicts are guided all through the stages of recovery. It is not as expensive as Inpatient treatment. Although, they do not give the 24/7 monitoring and care which the recovering addict could require.

There is an assortment of treatment modalities which are employed in drug addiction treatment. There is the Cognitive behavioural therapy which is known as CBT, which helps the person to control their thought patterns, especially the negative ones. They are thought to identify triggers in this process.

Next is Motivational enhancement therapy known as MET. During this, the therapist aids the patient to use their personal motivations to stand against drug use.

Then, there is the Twelve-step program which contains excellent ways to prolong and integrate the skills which are acquired during a professional treatment program.


One of the countries which is known for fast economic progress in North America, is Canada, and because of this, a good number of people from all over the world, have fallen in love with this country.

People have shown interest in the numerous benefits which Canada brings, in order to step up their economic levels, and also increase their chances of becoming more successful.

Hence, bearing this in mind, the rate of immigration into Canada has increased, and this also means that various traditions and habits have accompanied this migration. One of such habits, is drug addiction.

In Canada, there are various types of treatments for drug addiction, and most times, the treatment pattern is specific, depending on the severity of the problem.

To start with, there is Inpatient drug rehab. What they do here basically, is to provide ample care for the drug addict.

The workers here function round the clock; they are always available 24/7 They usually offer intensive thorough treatment activities.

A good number of times, it is utilized by people who also have mental health problems or medical issues in addition, and they usually require more intensive and profound support.

There is also Outpatient treatment, this is usually given at various places in the community which includes an addiction clinic, mental health clinic and the likes. It is normally used by people who are not at serious drug use risk, and they can still manage to have stable homes. Sometimes, it could involve organized treatment activities.

In addition to this, there is also Residential Rehabilitation which is a necessary aspect of drug rehab in Canada. They also provide care all-round the clock, alongside with additional support to reduce the risk of coming down with relapse during the process of recovery.

There are also Withdrawal management centres, which are sometimes known as detox centres, and they are places where people are aided in withdrawing safely from drug usage. They can take the form of various settings, which include residential centres, hospitals and the likes.

In Canada, the drug rehab centres can be said to be effective and highly productive. It is a surety that, once you use any of them, you can be sure of recovery.


When it comes to the improvement of health and well-being during the course of living independently, it can be said that Recovery is a life-long activity.

A good number of people who suffer from addiction become sober eventually. Recovery however, is not as easy as people view it. It has to do with transforming your view about life, behaviour and your environment as well.

A successful recovery is motivated by the hope that recovery is feasible and that you will recover soon.

In the addiction recovery process, there are four pillars:

  • Health
  • Purpose
  • Community
  • Home

Recovery is not the same for everyone, it is a customized process which is inspired by a good number of factors which includes: The type, duration and severity of addiction.

Most people who are suffering from addiction, do not know where to get help, or how to recover. They have not succeeded in recovering all by themselves. They know about their addiction, but they do not want to admit that they are addicts.

The first step in recovery, is to accept the fact that addiction exists, and change is needed. Most times, the addict finds it impossible to recover from addiction, except if they are ready to accept to change.

The next step is to know more about addiction. Many people do not fully understand what addiction entails. They believe it is a choice. However, it is not. Addiction is a disease, and it needs disease-specific treatment.

After this phase, the next is to prepare for recovery. You will need to decide to make necessary changes, which would lead to a successful recovery. You can also request support from family and friends.

During the preparation for recovery, you need to decide on the most appropriate treatment option for you. Thereafter, you will need to make arrangements with a health professional who will assist you in creating a recovery plan for treatment.

The recovery process is quintessential in addiction, and once the addict is willing to go through all the needed steps, it would be successful. In addition, there is a need for affirm support system to aid the recovery of the addict.


Breaking free from the web of addiction is no easy task. A good number of times, it could look impossible to achieve. It is very possible in the actual sense. If you have made up your mind to quit drinking alcohol, and you are ready to receive all the support needed, you can recover from alcohol addiction.

A good number of people who have alcohol problems do not decide on making a profound change, or change their drinking habits just in an instant. Recovery from alcohol addiction can be said to be a gradual process.

In treating alcoholism, the initial step is detoxification, and it is known to be very difficult. After quitting drinking within the first few days, there are uncomfortable moments which are known as withdrawal symptoms which would be experienced. Hence, alcohol detox stage needs to be completed under medical care.

The most structured environment for overcoming alcoholism, is an inpatient rehab facility. On a general basis, these rehabs are tended towards taking care of the most chronic forms of alcoholism, and individuals to remain with them all through the duration of the program.

Regular meetings with a counsellor is quintessential in the alcohol addiction treatment, and they are necessary for the individuals to communicate and get guidance all through the period of their recovery. A line of communication is opened during counselling, making the therapist to work on the addict, and any underlying issue which could trigger alcohol addiction.

Hence, you will get an opportunity to know about yourself, and how to ensure that you are kept healthy. After the completion of the rehabilitation stage, you will gradually begin to get used to daily life. It is necessary to give yourself ample time, to get used to things.

You can opt for support groups which give encouragement, and also interaction with other people who are in recovery. Doing this would be positive for you in ensuring that you have a healthy lifestyle, and also achieve sobriety.


The addiction treatment process is one which is saddled with various treatments and therapies which are quintessential to ensuring that, the regular life of the addict is restored, and brought back on track.

Addiction is known to be a condition whereby an individual is used to indulging in a particular act in order to derive certain pleasurable feelings which is produced in the brain. Also, it could also be having to take certain substances in order to achieve certain aims.

Alcohol and drug addiction are the most common types of addiction which are known to plague people all over the world, and it is usually very hard for people who are addicted to break free.

Residential addiction rehab is one of the treatment phases of addiction, and it is sequel to detoxification which is usually the first phase in the addiction process.

Residential addiction rehab comes in two forms:  Outpatient and inpatient rehab. The outpatient rehab involves the individual coming from time to time to receive treatment at either a hospital, or an addiction care centre.

The addict is given a schedule which he or she is expected to work with, due to the fact that the person has other things to attend to, and the addiction degree is not really severe.

For the inpatient rehab, the addict would have to remain within the confines of the hospital or the addiction care facility, all through the period of addiction treatment. This could take weeks, months or years depending on how severe the addiction is.

A residential addiction rehab helps an individual to quit addiction, and this is known to be the most satisfying goals which some addicts want to achieve. They would ensure that the individual comes to have a better understanding of how life is, and how to get back on track.

In addition to this, a residential addiction rehab provides ample guidance and supervision which will help to fast-track the treatment of an addict. Hence, it is advised that when an addict wants to seek treatment, it should be done at the right place, of which a residential addiction rehab happens to be one.